NEWS2023.11.23 ◇アソシエイト・メンバー決定◇

The associate members of orangcosong have been selected!


Saito Tsutomu
Born in Kochi(Japan) in 1979. He has been responsible for the production of various theater companies from the time he was in college and actively participated in international festivals such as Edinburgh, Taipei, Sibiu and Istanbul in addition to domestic performances. From ’09 to ’14, he belonged to Gorch Brothers and was mainly in charge of the production of the theater company “Kaki Kuu Kyaku” and the management of Nakayashiki Norihito (director / playwright). From ’13 to ’15’ he belonged to Arts Council Tokyo as a researcher, and in ’15 he conducted research studies on Indonesian performing arts at ‘Asia Fellowship Program’ of Japan Foundation Asia Center.


2001年、東京生まれ。現在は、京都芸術大学芸術学部アートプロデュース学科に在学中。大学では、ロームシアター京都が主催した「プレイ!シアター in Summer 2021 オープンデイ」にて子ども向けのワークショップの実施や、小学生向けに文字を書かずに年賀状をつくるワークショップなどを企画・実施。また、2022年9月には大阪府高槻市で学科が企画した「高槻芸術時間 インタールード」にて、『演劇クエスト 高槻時ノ無限回廊』の制作にリサーチアシスタントとして参加。その後、新潟県妙高市で制作した『演劇クエスト はねうまのマレビト』では、校閲や制作協力として携わる。

Kanade Sateke
Born in Tokyo in 2001. She is currently a student in the Department of Art Studies and Cultural Production at Kyoto University of the Arts. At the university, she conducted workshops for children, including one at the “Play! Theater in Summer 2021 Open Day” organized by ROHM Theatre Kyoto, and organized and implemented workshops for elementary school students to create New Year’s cards without using written words. In September 2022, she participated as a research assistant in the production of “Engeki Quest: Takatsuki tokinomugenkairou” at Takatukigeijyutujikan Interlude in Takatsuki City (Osaka). Subsequently, she was involved in proofreading and production assistance for “Engeki Quest: Haneuma no Marebito” held in Myoko City ( Niigata).



1988年生まれ。12歳までフランス、パリで過ごす。美術鑑賞教育、対話型鑑賞、異文化理解教育が関心分野。学生時代にはTokyo Art Beatインターン、NPO法人アートフル・アクションのインターンとしてアーカイブや展示企画に関わる。高校教員の傍ら、展示企画・広報・記録・翻訳等(英語、フランス語)を行う。最近は、アートを通じた共創体験を提供する株式会社Funwowの事業開発に携わり、大阪芸術大学通信教育部で学芸員資格取得コースを受講中。少し前までは「三度の飯と現代アート」、最近は「細く・長く、日々の中の見る・考える・つくる場づくり」を考えながら、雑多な関心の行先を模索中。   

Satoko Shimizu
Born in 1988, she grew up in Paris, France until 12-year-old. Her interests are Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) and cross-cultural understanding. During her college years, she interned at “Tokyo Art Beat” and “NPO Artful Action,” actively participating in project archiving and exhibition planning. Aside from working as a high school teacher, she engaged in some art projects. Currently, she is involved in business development at Funwow, a startup providing collaborative experiences through art. Additionally, she is currently studying at Osaka University of Arts pursuing a museum curator qualification course. Her recent focus revolves around creating environments favorable to observation, contemplation, and creativity in everyday life.



武蔵野美術大学油絵学科卒業、東京藝術大学院映像研究科メディア映像学科に在学中。視覚ベースの人間の生のあり方への疑問と触覚性の回復というテーマより、鑑賞者が視覚以外の感覚を用いる日常的な動作(水を飲む、iPhone のアラームで目を覚ますなど)あるいは軽い運動をする中で、行為が演劇的経験となったり、目の前の風景が映像的経験となるような散歩のルートを作ることに取り組んでいる。現代社会の疎外をケアする“散歩会”を定期的に開催している。

Moe Matsuhashi 
Graduated from Department of Oil Painting in Musashino Art University, and currently enrolled in Department of Media Imaging in Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Film and New Media. Based on the theme of criticizing the visually-based human life and of recovering tactile sensation, she is working on creating walking routes where human actions become theatrical experiences and landscapes in front of people’s eyes become visual experiences as they perform daily actions that use senses other than sight (e.g. drinking water, waking up with an alarm on iPhone, etc.) or light exercise.  She organizes “Walk Party” regularly that takes care of alienation in preset-day society.