WORKSHOP2023.11.06 筆談会 これより先、無言(横浜・黄金町)

Performance/workshop: written dialogue in complete silence. Free to come and go.

A performance/workshop in which participants attempt to engage in written dialogue on a large roll of paper in complete silence. As a rule, only one person can write something at a time. Free of charge. Free to come and go. No booking required. Please drop in, and enjoy the silence.
“Hitsudankai” has been held in Kyoto, Osaka, Busan, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taipei, Kochi, Yangon, Yogyakarta, Yokohama, Tokyo, Makhanda, Bilbao and Cyprus. This time, it will take place in an open space in Yokohama, Koganecho.

『筆談会』はこれまで京都、大阪、釜山、上海、香港、台北、高知、ヤンゴン、ジョグジャ カルタ、横浜、東京、マカンダ、ビルバオ、キプロスで開催されてきました。今回は横浜・黄金町のオープンスペースが舞台です。