LECTURE2020.01.19 “Hello, See you.” – Beyond the recognition frame as “Asia”-

At TPAM Group Meeting, Feb 12th 14:00-14:40, we will have a table for introducing the projects of orangcosong. For TPAM pass member only.


“Hello, See you.” – Beyond the recognition frame as “Asia”-
Room 4
Language: English
Host: Minori Sumiyoshiyama(orangcosong_Artist/Dancer), Chikara Fujiwara(orangcosong_Artist/Critic)
Topic: Artist / Creation, Networking, Community, Collaboration

orangcosong acting in Asia introduces the projects: 1) “ENGEKI QUEST”, flaneur-style walking project with Adventure Book, 2) “Hitsudankai”, dialogues by only writing in silence, 3) “IsLand Bar”, transnational table performance. We will also hold a kick-off MTG of our new journey=project “Hello, See you.” which will start from April. Let’s explore the ways together to be sustainable in the world beyond the recognition frame as “Asia”. Join us!!