WORKS2022.03.19 Engeki Quest – A Hidden Window in Macau – 窗林澳門

《Engeki Quest》是閒適漫步風格的城市探索計劃。參加這項藝術計劃的人們,依據手中「冒險の書」的線索獨步遊蕩城市,穿梭於街道巷弄間,在重重疊疊之中彷彿發現了什麼;他們像在進行一場遊戲中,卻也因此獲得新觀點。《 Engeki Quest》的創作足跡踏過橫濱、城崎、馬尼拉、杜塞道夫、安山、香港、東京、曼谷、洛桑,最新版本即將登場澳門。即將成為探險家的你,進入這個歷史錯綜複雜的城市,在她的街巷中、坡道上,你會發現什麼呢?

Engeki Quest is a flâneur-style walking project to explore a city. The participants wander the city alone, relying on the instructions written in the “Adventure Book” to guide them through the streets, and find something on imperceptible layers. It’s like a game, but also Engeki Quest is an art project which brings a new perspective to the participants. It has been created in Yokohama, Kinosaki, Manila, Düsseldorf, Ansan, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Bangkok, and Lausanne.This Macau version is the latest piece. In this city of complex histories, you will be an adventurer and what will you find in its streets and slopes?

策劃、製作及藝術指導:藤原力 & 住吉山実里 @ 偶然空耸(orangcosong)
贊助:文化局、The Saison Foundation
For more information from 點象藝術

▼ 四一
《Engeki Quest》是閒適漫步風格的城市探索計劃。成為探險家的你,依據「冒險の書」的線索中帶領你獨步遊蕩城市,穿梭於街、里、圍之間,在重重疊疊過程中是否彷彿發現了什麼;在進行這場探索遊戲後,對於這浮城是否體驗到不一樣的感覺?也是否對創作者在創作探險時心路歷程感到好奇?
在此段落及下一段落的數字組成的日期與時間,前往葡文書局,尋找往地庫的階梯,走進地庫,可找對創作者與你對話,解答你那充滿好奇的冒險心。→ 【一八三〇】

▼ 41
Engeki Quest is a flâneur-style walking project to explore a city. You became an adventurer and wandered the city alone, relying on the instructions written in this “Adventure Book” to guide you through the streets, and find something on imperceptible layers. After playing this game, does it bring you a new perspective of this city? Are you interested to know about the creation process of this book?
If you are going to be an adventurer before you start this game and get into this city of complex histories, streets and slopes, are you also interested to know about the creation process of this book?
To combine the number of this paragraph and the following paragraph as the date and time code. Then go to the Portuguese Bookstore on that date and time. Looking for the staircase to the basement. You will see the people who created this adventure book. Get your answer from them directly. →【1830】

Date: 2022.04.01
Time: 18:30 – 20:00
Location: 葡文書局地庫 Portuguese Bookstore Gallery and Live streaming